IOR-3.1.0: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O ior WARNING: fsync() only available in POSIX/MMAP. Using value of 0. Began: Thu Jun 21 19:36:14 2018 Command line used: /var/opt/cray/dws/mounts/batch/5890895_striped_scratch/bin/ior -r -R -C -Q 1 -g -G 27 -k -e -t 8m -b 40g -F -o /var/opt/cray/dws/mounts/batch/5890895_striped_scratch/datafiles/io500.2018.06.21-18.59.50/ior_easy/ior_file_easy Machine: Linux nid00328 Test 0 started: Thu Jun 21 19:36:14 2018 Summary: api = MPIIO (version=3, subversion=1) test filename = /var/opt/cray/dws/mounts/batch/5890895_striped_scratch/datafiles/io500.2018.06.21-18.59.50/ior_easy/ior_file_easy access = file-per-process ordering in a file = sequential offsets ordering inter file= constant task offsets = 1 clients = 8192 (8 per node) repetitions = 1 xfersize = 8 MiB blocksize = 40 GiB aggregate filesize = 327680 GiB access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter ------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- read 1157727 41943040 8192 18.42 271.22 0.195925 289.83 0 Max Read: 1157726.60 MiB/sec (1213964.32 MB/sec) Summary of all tests: Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Max(OPs) Min(OPs) Mean(OPs) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize API RefNum read 1157726.60 1157726.60 1157726.60 0.00 144715.82 144715.82 144715.82 0.00 289.83036 0 8192 8 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 42949672960 8388608 351843720888320 MPIIO 0 Finished: Thu Jun 21 19:41:24 2018