[0] Pool uuid = cc2a3af4-c1f4-43d2-b03f-ebb674d852e9, SVCL = 1 [0] DFS Container namespace uuid = 474f5bb9-6bef-45da-b1b2-2e205fb86d38 IOR-3.3.0+dev: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O Began : Sun Jul 12 21:15:56 2020 Command line : /home1/06758/mschaara/io-500/install/ior/bin/ior -r -R -a DFS --dfs.pool=cc2a3af4-c1f4-43d2-b03f-ebb674d852e9 --dfs.cont=474f5bb9-6bef-45da-b1b2-2e205fb86d38 --dfs.svcl=1 --dfs.prefix=/tmp/dfuse -t 256k -v -b 20000m -F -i 1 -C -Q 1 -g -G 27 -k -e -o /tmp/dfuse/datafiles/2020.07.12-20.45.38-scr/ior_easy/ior_file_easy -O stoneWallingStatusFile=/tmp/dfuse/datafiles/2020.07.12-20.45.38-scr/ior_easy/stonewall Machine : Linux c110-011.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu Start time skew across all tasks: 0.00 sec TestID : 0 StartTime : Sun Jul 12 21:15:56 2020 Participating tasks: 1440 Using reorderTasks '-C' (useful to avoid read cache in client) Options: api : DFS apiVersion : DAOS test filename : /tmp/dfuse/datafiles/2020.07.12-20.45.38-scr/ior_easy/ior_file_easy access : file-per-process type : independent segments : 1 ordering in a file : sequential ordering inter file : constant task offset task offset : 1 nodes : 1440 tasks : 1440 clients per node : 1 repetitions : 1 xfersize : 262144 bytes blocksize : 19.53 GiB aggregate filesize : 27.47 TiB Results: access bw(MiB/s) IOPS Latency(s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter ------ --------- ---- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- Commencing read performance test: Sun Jul 12 21:16:18 2020 read 77563 329005 0.004377 20480000 256.00 21.16 350.15 0.001594 371.31 0 Max Read: 77562.58 MiB/sec (81330.26 MB/sec) Summary of all tests: Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Max(OPs) Min(OPs) Mean(OPs) StdDev Mean(s) Stonewall(s) Stonewall(MiB) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggs(MiB) API RefNum read 77562.58 77562.58 77562.58 0.00 310250.33 310250.33 310250.33 0.00 371.31306 NA NA 0 1440 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 20971520000 262144 28800000.0 DFS 0 Finished : Sun Jul 12 21:22:09 2020 [0] Disconnecting from DAOS POOL [0] Finalizing DAOS..