IOR-3.2.0: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O Began : Mon Oct 22 15:22:49 2018 Command line : /work/xg17i000/x10007/io-500-dev/bin/ior -r -R -C -Q 1 -g -G 27 -k -e -t 47008 -b 47008 -s 2300 -o /work/xg17i000/x10007/io-500-dev/datafiles/io500.2018.10.22-14.52.58/ior_hard/IOR_file -O stoneWallingStatusFile=/work/xg17i000/x10007/io-500-dev/datafiles/io500.2018.10.22-14.52.58/ior_hard/stonewall Machine : Linux c0065.ofp TestID : 0 StartTime : Mon Oct 22 15:22:49 2018 Path : /work/1/xg17i000/x10007/io-500-dev/datafiles/io500.2018.10.22-14.52.58/ior_hard FS : 23597.0 TiB Used FS: 21.2% Inodes: 12312.0 Mi Used Inodes: 10.1% Options: api : POSIX apiVersion : test filename : /work/xg17i000/x10007/io-500-dev/datafiles/io500.2018.10.22-14.52.58/ior_hard/IOR_file access : single-shared-file type : independent segments : 2300 ordering in a file : sequential ordering inter file : constant task offset task offset : 1 tasks : 8192 clients per node : 32 repetitions : 1 xfersize : 47008 bytes blocksize : 47008 bytes aggregate filesize : 824.88 GiB Results: access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter ------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- read 6949 45.91 45.91 0.021518 121.52 0.004744 121.55 0 Max Read: 6949.15 MiB/sec (7286.71 MB/sec) Summary of all tests: Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Max(OPs) Min(OPs) Mean(OPs) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggs(MiB) API RefNum read 6949.15 6949.15 6949.15 0.00 155009.94 155009.94 155009.94 0.00 121.55091 0 8192 32 1 0 1 1 0 0 2300 47008 47008 844675.0 POSIX 0 Finished : Mon Oct 22 15:24:50 2018