[1541262544.574017] [m20474:23793:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.579845] [m20474:23793:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.576273] [m20468:23293:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.581581] [m20468:23293:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.581177] [m20469:73601:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.585292] [m20469:73601:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.572917] [m20477:53390:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.577620] [m20477:53390:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.572628] [m20474:23797:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.577144] [m20474:23797:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.571087] [m20474:23794:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.576926] [m20474:23794:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.578709] [m20474:23796:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.583819] [m20474:23796:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.583568] [m20474:23795:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.587877] [m20474:23795:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.575444] [m20469:73602:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.580546] [m20469:73602:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.575158] [m20469:73605:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.580779] [m20469:73605:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582423] [m20469:73607:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.588110] [m20469:73607:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.585703] [m20469:73608:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.589614] [m20469:73608:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.572099] [m20477:53384:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.577751] [m20477:53384:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.577428] [m20477:53385:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582738] [m20477:53385:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.585784] [m20477:53388:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.590264] [m20477:53388:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.587784] [m20477:53383:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.592119] [m20477:53383:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.579180] [m20475:29680:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.584883] [m20475:29680:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.581794] [m20471:65892:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.588264] [m20471:65892:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.584182] [m20473:59682:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.589151] [m20473:59682:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.588956] [m20472:63764:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.593995] [m20472:63764:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.580007] [m20471:65894:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.584727] [m20471:65894:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.589727] [m20471:65889:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.594776] [m20471:65889:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.596356] [m20471:65893:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.601445] [m20471:65893:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.597398] [m20471:65895:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.602627] [m20471:65895:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.591162] [m20476:25835:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.597633] [m20476:25835:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.593927] [m20470:4637 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.601456] [m20470:4637 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.576019] [m20475:29686:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582202] [m20475:29686:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.594173] [m20475:29685:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.600382] [m20475:29685:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.593152] [m20475:29679:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.600583] [m20475:29679:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.602903] [m20475:29684:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.606979] [m20475:29684:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.602757] [m20475:29683:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.606804] [m20475:29683:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.583582] [m20473:59683:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.588840] [m20473:59683:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.599631] [m20473:59680:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.606654] [m20473:59680:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.602788] [m20473:59679:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.608599] [m20473:59679:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.603531] [m20473:59681:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.609022] [m20473:59681:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.593138] [m20470:4640 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.599677] [m20470:4640 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.604239] [m20470:4638 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.608280] [m20470:4638 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.603268] [m20470:4639 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.608784] [m20470:4639 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.608986] [m20470:4641 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.613458] [m20470:4641 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.569658] [m20468:23294:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.575563] [m20468:23294:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.576635] [m20468:23287:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582055] [m20468:23287:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.576545] [m20468:23292:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582340] [m20468:23292:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.576845] [m20468:23289:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582551] [m20468:23289:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582856] [m20468:23288:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.587976] [m20468:23288:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.583133] [m20468:23290:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.588050] [m20468:23290:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.600592] [m20468:23291:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.605307] [m20468:23291:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.587438] [m20472:63765:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.592696] [m20472:63765:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.589737] [m20472:63760:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.596083] [m20472:63760:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.606618] [m20472:63758:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.612296] [m20472:63758:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.604592] [m20472:63761:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.613166] [m20472:63761:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.612434] [m20476:25833:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.617259] [m20476:25833:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.614471] [m20476:25832:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.619787] [m20476:25832:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.614417] [m20476:25836:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.620188] [m20476:25836:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.614893] [m20476:25834:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.620556] [m20476:25834:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.582209] [m20474:23798:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.587250] [m20474:23798:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.583201] [m20474:23800:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.589602] [m20474:23800:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.583107] [m20474:23799:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.588130] [m20474:23799:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.583525] [m20469:73606:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.587678] [m20469:73606:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.588385] [m20469:73604:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.592196] [m20469:73604:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.580278] [m20469:73603:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.586187] [m20469:73603:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.585958] [m20477:53389:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.590309] [m20477:53389:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.589408] [m20477:53387:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.594369] [m20477:53387:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.591186] [m20477:53386:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.596048] [m20477:53386:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.590461] [m20471:65888:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.596717] [m20471:65888:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.598472] [m20471:65890:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.604760] [m20471:65890:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.593858] [m20471:65891:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.604389] [m20471:65891:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.595009] [m20475:29682:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.603006] [m20475:29682:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.600533] [m20475:29681:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.605430] [m20475:29681:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.604607] [m20473:59678:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.609677] [m20473:59678:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.601626] [m20473:59684:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.607678] [m20473:59684:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.603958] [m20473:59677:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.610113] [m20473:59677:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.608946] [m20470:4642 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.613297] [m20470:4642 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.615328] [m20470:4644 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.619213] [m20470:4644 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.611093] [m20470:4643 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.615999] [m20470:4643 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.601229] [m20472:63762:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.611837] [m20472:63762:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.611257] [m20472:63763:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.617044] [m20472:63763:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.616967] [m20472:63759:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.624287] [m20472:63759:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.615306] [m20476:25837:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.619680] [m20476:25837:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.619423] [m20476:25831:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.625183] [m20476:25831:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.618912] [m20476:25838:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262544.625237] [m20476:25838:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) IOR-3.2.0: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O Began : Sat Nov 3 17:29:05 2018 Command line : /home/dkrz/k202079/work/io-500/io-500-dev/bin/ior -r -R -C -Q 1 -g -G 27 -k -e -t 47008 -b 47008 -s 10000 -a MPIIO -E -o /mnt/lustre02/ior-test/io500/datafiles//ior_hard/IOR_file -O stoneWallingStatusFile=/mnt/lustre02/ior-test/io500/datafiles//ior_hard/stonewall Machine : Linux m20468 TestID : 0 StartTime : Sat Nov 3 17:29:05 2018 Path : /mnt/lustre02/ior-test/io500/datafiles/ior_hard FS : 33418.8 TiB Used FS: 68.2% Inodes: 8102.5 Mi Used Inodes: 4.2% Options: api : MPIIO apiVersion : (3.1) test filename : /mnt/lustre02/ior-test/io500/datafiles//ior_hard/IOR_file access : single-shared-file type : independent segments : 10000 ordering in a file : sequential ordering inter file : constant task offset task offset : 1 tasks : 80 clients per node : 8 repetitions : 1 xfersize : 47008 bytes blocksize : 47008 bytes aggregate filesize : 35.02 GiB Results: access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter ------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- read 59.94 45.91 45.91 0.030262 598.21 0.109230 598.35 0 Max Read: 59.94 MiB/sec (62.85 MB/sec) Summary of all tests: Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Max(OPs) Min(OPs) Mean(OPs) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggs(MiB) API RefNum read 59.94 59.94 59.94 0.00 1337.01 1337.01 1337.01 0.00 598.34936 0 80 8 1 0 1 1 0 0 10000 47008 47008 35864.3 MPIIO 0 Finished : Sat Nov 3 17:39:03 2018