[1541262505.137199] [m20468:23169:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.142646] [m20468:23169:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.140434] [m20469:73542:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.144549] [m20469:73542:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.147862] [m20473:59631:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154699] [m20473:59631:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.150442] [m20475:29628:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.156500] [m20475:29628:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.152422] [m20471:65840:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.157481] [m20471:65840:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154595] [m20474:23747:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161079] [m20474:23747:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.149699] [m20472:63713:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154988] [m20472:63713:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.159685] [m20470:4592 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.164636] [m20470:4592 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.153196] [m20474:23746:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161627] [m20474:23746:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.152205] [m20474:23742:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.159109] [m20474:23742:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.152134] [m20474:23743:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.158348] [m20474:23743:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.163862] [m20474:23745:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.168062] [m20474:23745:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.139795] [m20469:73540:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.146441] [m20469:73540:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.137735] [m20469:73539:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.143931] [m20469:73539:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.148055] [m20469:73535:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.153903] [m20469:73535:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.157356] [m20470:4585 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161743] [m20470:4585 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.157424] [m20469:73537:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.162938] [m20469:73537:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.156368] [m20470:4587 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161437] [m20470:4587 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.156160] [m20470:4591 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161393] [m20470:4591 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161380] [m20470:4588 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.166460] [m20470:4588 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.153020] [m20471:65843:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.157345] [m20471:65843:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154087] [m20471:65838:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.160042] [m20471:65838:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161234] [m20471:65837:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.166046] [m20471:65837:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.160158] [m20471:65844:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.165437] [m20471:65844:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.147156] [m20475:29630:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154150] [m20475:29630:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.148635] [m20475:29631:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154606] [m20475:29631:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.158034] [m20475:29632:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.162304] [m20475:29632:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.166447] [m20475:29633:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.170902] [m20475:29633:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.169499] [m20476:25787:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.173748] [m20476:25787:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.147556] [m20473:59629:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.152483] [m20473:59629:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.149428] [m20473:59627:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154857] [m20473:59627:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.156623] [m20473:59632:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.162539] [m20473:59632:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.172746] [m20473:59628:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.177252] [m20473:59628:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.172948] [m20473:59630:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.177447] [m20473:59630:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.153422] [m20472:63714:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.158363] [m20472:63714:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.163137] [m20472:63712:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.168643] [m20472:63712:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.166147] [m20472:63709:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.170711] [m20472:63709:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.167719] [m20472:63708:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.173100] [m20472:63708:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.168663] [m20476:25781:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.176307] [m20476:25781:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.170350] [m20476:25783:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.176665] [m20476:25783:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.168831] [m20476:25785:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.175331] [m20476:25785:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.174206] [m20476:25784:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.178351] [m20476:25784:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.130955] [m20468:23166:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.137531] [m20468:23166:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.141251] [m20468:23164:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.146082] [m20468:23164:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.143758] [m20468:23162:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.149683] [m20468:23162:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.151664] [m20468:23163:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.155670] [m20468:23163:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.158435] [m20468:23167:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.162337] [m20468:23167:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.151294] [m20468:23168:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.155889] [m20468:23168:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.159249] [m20468:23165:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.163416] [m20468:23165:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.164096] [m20469:73541:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.168173] [m20469:73541:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.160636] [m20469:73538:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.165675] [m20469:73538:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.158454] [m20470:4589 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.163322] [m20470:4589 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.159634] [m20474:23748:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.164581] [m20474:23748:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.171868] [m20469:73536:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.176675] [m20469:73536:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161097] [m20470:4590 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.167193] [m20470:4590 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.154165] [m20474:23744:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.161461] [m20474:23744:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.165779] [m20470:4586 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.170281] [m20470:4586 :0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.159792] [m20474:23749:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.164728] [m20474:23749:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.177592] [m20471:65842:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.181645] [m20471:65842:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.177023] [m20471:65841:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.181155] [m20471:65841:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.178593] [m20471:65839:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.184855] [m20471:65839:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.169068] [m20475:29629:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.173857] [m20475:29629:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.169638] [m20475:29634:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.174455] [m20475:29634:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.174524] [m20475:29635:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.178967] [m20475:29635:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.167860] [m20472:63711:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.174272] [m20472:63711:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.171959] [m20473:59626:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.179093] [m20473:59626:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.176093] [m20472:63710:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.180890] [m20472:63710:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.174734] [m20473:59625:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.180984] [m20473:59625:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.177951] [m20472:63707:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.182564] [m20472:63707:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.169285] [m20476:25786:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.178161] [m20476:25786:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.174080] [m20476:25780:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.180812] [m20476:25780:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.176452] [m20476:25782:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.182988] [m20476:25782:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.291997] [m20477:53335:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.297865] [m20477:53335:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.291685] [m20477:53331:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.296602] [m20477:53331:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.293990] [m20477:53336:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.299582] [m20477:53336:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.293814] [m20477:53333:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.299226] [m20477:53333:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.303003] [m20477:53337:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.308237] [m20477:53337:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.301774] [m20477:53332:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.307748] [m20477:53332:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.305631] [m20477:53338:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.310673] [m20477:53338:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.307048] [m20477:53334:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) [1541262505.312652] [m20477:53334:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) -- started at 11/03/2018 17:28:26 -- mdtest-1.9.3 was launched with 80 total task(s) on 10 node(s) Command line used: /home/dkrz/k202079/work/io-500/io-500-dev/bin/mdtest "-T" "-F" "-d" "/mnt/lustre02/ior-test/io500/datafiles//mdt_easy" "-n" "55000" "-u" "-L" "-x" "/mnt/lustre02/ior-test/io500/datafiles//mdt_easy-stonewall" Path: /mnt/lustre02/ior-test/io500/datafiles FS: 33418.8 TiB Used FS: 68.2% Inodes: 8102.5 Mi Used Inodes: 4.2% 80 tasks, 4400000 files SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations) Operation Max Min Mean Std Dev --------- --- --- ---- ------- File creation : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 File stat : 119131.902 119131.902 119131.902 0.000 File read : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 File removal : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tree creation : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tree removal : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -- finished at 11/03/2018 17:29:03 --