IOR-3.4.0+dev: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O Began : Sat Oct 31 01:10:15 2020 Command line : ./ior -C -Q 1 -g -G 27 -k -e -o /home/data/2020.10.31-00.53.53/ior-hard/file -O stoneWallingStatusFile=/mnt/nfs/io500/results/2020.10.31-00.53.53/ior-hard.stonewall -O stoneWallingWearOut=1 -t 47008 -b 47008 -s 10000000 -w -D 300 -a POSIX Machine : Linux a01 TestID : 0 StartTime : Sat Oct 31 01:10:15 2020 Path : /home/data/2020.10.31-00.53.53/ior-hard/file FS : 8730.4 TiB Used FS: 23.1% Inodes: 268430429.7 Mi Used Inodes: 100.0% Options: api : POSIX apiVersion : test filename : /home/data/2020.10.31-00.53.53/ior-hard/file access : single-shared-file type : independent segments : 10000000 ordering in a file : sequential ordering inter file : constant task offset task offset : 1 nodes : 255 tasks : 18360 clients per node : 72 repetitions : 1 xfersize : 47008 bytes blocksize : 47008 bytes aggregate filesize : 7849.55 TiB stonewallingTime : 300 stoneWallingWearOut : 1 Results: access bw(MiB/s) IOPS Latency(s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter ------ --------- ---- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- stonewalling pairs accessed min: 554001 max: 711647 -- min data: 24.3 GiB mean data: 29.8 GiB time: 300.1s WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = 8630668800000000 WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = 614198955951360 WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = 614198955951360 WARNING: Maybe caused by deadlineForStonewalling write 1275236 29805724 397.14 45.91 45.91 7.80 438.37 13.17 459.32 0