Research ISC24 List

Ranking of the research system submissions. This is a subset of the Full List of submissions, showing only one highest-scoring result per storage system. This list also contains all valid IO500 submissions prior to the creation of the Research List.
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
101 SC19 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with Block Volume Service running Spectrum Scale Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Block Volumes Service Spectrum Scale 30 480 47.55 20.38 110.93 -
102 SC19 CNES HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 96 96 37.16 9.71 142.20 -
103 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 10 100 11.31 3.62 35.37 -
104 ISC23 Imperial College London Imperial - hx cluster Lenovo Spectrum scale 32 512 119.56 44.63 320.31
105 SC21 NLHPC Guacolda IBM SpectrumScale 24 480 83.18 33.87 204.27 -
106 SC21 ULHPC Aion DDN SpectrumScale 128 256 11.35 1.80 71.57 -
107 SC21 IBMDL Sandbox IBM SpectrumScale 10 0 3.17 0.61 16.57 -
108 SC22 SuPro Storteck StarStor SuPro Storteck StarStor 10 2,560 6,751.75 515.15 88,491.65 -
109 ISC24 Centre de Recherche en Aeronautique Lucia IBM Storage Scale 256 1,024 115.06 54.74 241.83
110 ISC23 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng Laboratory and Tsinghua University SuperFS 300 36,000 210,255.00 4,847.48 9,119,612.35
111 SC22 Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperStore Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperFS 10 1,200 5,517.73 179.60 169,515.95 -
112 SC23 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus Janelia Compute Cluster Vast Data Vast 32 2,048 26.83 11.45 62.84
113 ISC22 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Cloud with WEKA on RDMA WekaIO WEKA 373 7,460 625.95 233.17 1,680.38 -
114 ISC24 University of Virginia Afton Dell WEKA 10 850 105.94 33.28 337.29
115 ISC21 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus Janelia 10 300 62.68 18.17 216.22 -
116 SC21 Raytheon MCK-HPC Penguin Computing WekaFS 44 1,584 86.24 27.64 269.10 -
117 SC23 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center IRIS WekaIO WekaIO 36 4,248 308.94 104.79 910.80
118 SC19 WekaIO WekaIO on AWS WekaIO WekaIO Matrix 345 8,625 938.95 174.74 5,045.33 -
119 SC19 CSIRO bracewell scratch2 Dell/ThinkParQ beegfs 26 260 94.86 69.10 130.23 -
120 ISC22 National Supercomputing Center in Jinan Shanhe PDSL flashfs 10 2,560 3,534.42 207.79 60,119.50 -
121 ISC21 National Supercomputer Center in GuangZhou Venus2 National Supercomputer Center in GuangZhou kapok 18 720 577.93 104.52 3,195.53 -
122 ISC21 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus Vast nrsv 10 300 15.50 7.54 31.84 -
123 SC20 Raytheon WekaIO Penguin Computing wekafs 42 1,596 50.58 16.39 156.10 -