Research ISC24 List

Ranking of the research system submissions. This is a subset of the Full List of submissions, showing only one highest-scoring result per storage system. This list also contains all valid IO500 submissions prior to the creation of the Research List.
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
101 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Regal Dell Lustre 10 160 7.05 1.64 30.28 -
102 ISC23 Arizona State University Sol Dell BeeGFS 10 160 16.48 4.40 61.76
103 ISC24 Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Supercomputing Center in Zhengzhou Songshan Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences HiStore 10 320 1,349.22 43.78 41,580.79
104 ISC20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SpectrumScale on Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Spectrum Scale 48 768 70.91 34.91 144.06 -
105 SC22 SuPro Storteck StarStor SuPro Storteck StarStor 10 2,560 6,751.75 515.15 88,491.65 -
106 SC23 LRZ SuperMUC-NG-Phase2 Lenovo DAOS 90 6,480 4,585.68 1,054.72 19,937.45
107 SC22 Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperStore Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperFS 10 1,200 5,517.73 179.60 169,515.95 -
108 SC19 State Key Laboratory of High-end Server & Storage Technology (HSS) TStor3000 INSPUR BeeGFS 10 300 82.57 41.14 165.71 -
109 SC19 CEA Tera-1000 DDN Lustre 128 4,096 210.26 81.01 545.74 -
110 SC19 National Supercomputing Center in Changsha Tianhe-2E National University of Defense Technology Lustre 480 5,280 453.68 209.43 982.78 -
111 SC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage - CephFS 15 120 14.91 5.74 38.72 -
112 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 88 2,816 12.50 8.31 18.79 -
113 ISC21 National Supercomputer Center in GuangZhou Venus2 National Supercomputer Center in GuangZhou kapok 18 720 577.93 104.52 3,195.53 -
114 SC20 Raytheon WekaIO Penguin Computing wekafs 42 1,596 50.58 16.39 156.10 -
115 SC19 WekaIO WekaIO on AWS WekaIO WekaIO Matrix 345 8,625 938.95 174.74 5,045.33 -
116 ISC20 Intel Wolf Intel DAOS 52 1,664 1,792.98 371.67 8,649.57 -
117 ISC22 Wu Dong Laboratory Wu Dong Compute Cluster Wu Dong Laboratory OPENFS 10 640 218.81 43.86 1,091.49 -
118 ISC20 CSIRO bracewell Dell/DDN Lustre 10 400 99.64 39.90 248.81 -
119 SC19 CSIRO bracewell scratch2 Dell/ThinkParQ beegfs 26 260 94.86 69.10 130.23 -
120 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI dm11 #N/A Scale-out NAS 10 760 6.42 2.61 15.82 -
121 SC20 NASA hyperwall4 Intel. SK-Hynx SSD 128 1,024 75.75 122.24 46.94 -
122 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI nrs Qumulo Scale-out NAS 10 760 4.19 2.88 6.11 -
123 SC23 Eikon Therapeutics spt-compute1 Qumulo Qumulo Core 20 40 7.58 2.82 20.38 -