Research ISC24 List

Ranking of the research system submissions. This is a subset of the Full List of submissions, showing only one highest-scoring result per storage system. This list also contains all valid IO500 submissions prior to the creation of the Research List.
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
101 ISC23 EuroHPC-CINECA Leonardo DDN EXAScaler 2,000 16,000 648.96 807.12 521.79
102 ISC20 TACC Frontera Intel DAOS 60 1,440 763.80 78.31 7,449.56 -
103 SC23 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Shaheen III HPE Lustre 2,080 16,640 797.04 709.52 895.35
104 SC19 WekaIO WekaIO on AWS WekaIO WekaIO Matrix 345 8,625 938.95 174.74 5,045.33 -
105 SC21 BPFS Lab Kongming BPFS 10 800 972.60 96.26 9,827.09 -
106 ISC21 Lenovo Lenovo-Lenox Lenovo DAOS 36 3,456 988.99 176.37 5,545.61 -
107 SC22 Meadowgate Technologies Meadowgate INTEL HPE DAOS 10 1,280 1,014.24 213.15 4,826.12 -
108 ISC22 University of Cambridge Cumulus Dell/Intel DAOS 200 2,000 1,107.17 283.19 4,328.68 -
109 ISC24 Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Supercomputing Center in Zhengzhou Songshan Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences HiStore 10 320 1,349.22 43.78 41,580.79
110 ISC20 Intel Wolf Intel DAOS 52 1,664 1,792.98 371.67 8,649.57 -
111 ISC21 Intel Endeavour Intel DAOS 10 1,440 1,859.56 398.77 8,671.65 -
112 SC21 Huawei Cloud PDSL Flashfs 15 1,560 2,016.70 109.82 37,034.00 -
113 SC21 Olympus Lab OceanStor Pacific Huawei OceanFS 10 1,720 2,298.69 317.07 16,664.88 -
114 SC21 Huawei HPDA Lab Athena Huawei OceanFS 10 1,720 2,395.03 314.56 18,235.71 -
115 SC22 Cloudam HPC on OCI HPC-OCI Cloudam BurstFS 64 1,920 3,033.03 278.48 33,033.54 -
116 ISC22 National Supercomputing Center in Jinan Shanhe PDSL flashfs 10 2,560 3,534.42 207.79 60,119.50 -
117 SC23 LRZ SuperMUC-NG-Phase2 Lenovo DAOS 90 6,480 4,585.68 1,054.72 19,937.45
118 SC22 Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperStore Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperFS 10 1,200 5,517.73 179.60 169,515.95 -
119 SC22 SuPro Storteck StarStor SuPro Storteck StarStor 10 2,560 6,751.75 515.15 88,491.65 -
120 SC22 Sugon Cloud Storage Laboratory ParaStor Sugon ParaStor 10 2,560 8,726.42 718.11 106,042.93 -
121 SC23 Argonne National Laboratory Aurora Intel DAOS 300 31,200 43,218.80 11,362.27 164,391.73
122 ISC23 JNIST and HUST PDSL Cheeloo-1 with OceanStor Pacific Huawei OceanFS2 10 9,600 137,100.00 2,439.37 7,705,448.04
123 ISC23 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng Laboratory and Tsinghua University SuperFS 300 36,000 210,255.00 4,847.48 9,119,612.35