Research ISC18 List

This is the official summary list from ISC-HPC 2018. The list shows the best result for a given combination of system/institution/filesystem.

# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
1 ISC18 KAUST ShaheenII Cray DataWarp 1,024 8,192 77.37 496.81 12.05 -
2 ISC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre1 100 1,200 15.47 12.68 18.88 -
3 ISC18 STFC Jasmin/Lotus Purestorage NFS 64 128 2.33 0.26 20.93 -
4 ISC18 PNNL EMSL Cascade Lustre 126 252 11.12 4.88 25.33 -
5 ISC18 SNL Serrano IBM Spectrum Scale 16 160 4.25 0.65 27.98 -
6 ISC18 KAUST ShaheenII Cray Lustre 1,000 16,000 41.00 54.17 31.03 -
7 ISC18 JCAHPC Oakforest-PACS DDN IME 2,048 16,384 137.78 560.10 33.89 -
8 ISC18 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Govorun RSC Lustre 24 192 12.08 3.34 43.65 -
9 ISC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre 100 1,000 32.15 22.77 45.39 -
10 ISC18 Fraunhofer Seislab ThinkparQ BeeGFS 24 24 16.96 5.13 56.14 -
11 ISC18 JSC JURON ThinkparQ BeeGFS 8 64 35.77 14.24 89.81 -
12 ISC18 IBM Sonasad IBM Spectrum Scale 10 10 24.24 4.57 128.61 -