Historical ISC20 List

This is the historic data list released at ISC-HPC 20. Since the IO500 benchmark has been improved to reduce the opportunity of caching, some results of the former lists cannot be directly compared to the new results. The list shows all submissions up to now.

# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
201 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Regal Dell Lustre 10 160 7.05 1.64 30.28 -
202 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 10 100 6.63 1.39 31.62 -
203 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 2.06 1.39 3.04 -
204 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 32 6.07 1.34 27.56 -
205 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 16 4.88 1.31 18.17 -
206 ISC19 Queen Mary. University Of London Apocrita DDN Spectrum Scale 10 240 4.36 1.26 15.09 -
207 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 128 6.26 1.25 31.42 -
208 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 64 6.16 1.25 30.28 -
209 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 16 16 1.47 1.21 1.79 -
210 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 256 5.79 1.05 31.92 -
211 SC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre2 10 80 5.32 1.05 27.06 -
212 SC18 Queen Mary, University Of London Apocrita DDN GPFS 10 240 3.44 0.87 13.56 -
213 SC18 EPCC Archer Seagate Lustre 10 80 3.70 0.77 17.84 -
214 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 1.52 0.74 3.11 -
215 ISC18 SNL Serrano IBM Spectrum Scale 16 160 4.25 0.65 27.98 -
216 ISC19 JIHT RAS Desmos BeeGFS 10 60 3.55 0.51 24.88 -
217 ISC19 JIHT RAS Fisher BeeGFS 10 320 3.19 0.51 20.03 -
218 ISC18 STFC Jasmin/Lotus Purestorage NFS 64 128 2.33 0.26 20.93 -
219 ISC18 STFC Jasmin/Lotus Purestorage NFS 16 64 1.98 0.21 18.77 -
220 SC18 Sandia National Laboratories Ghost IBM GPFS 10 100 0.31 0.05 1.85 -