Historical SC23 List

Ranking of all submissions ever received
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
1 SC19 iFLYTEK iFLYTEK Yanrong YRCloudFile 10 200 78.54 13.55 455.18 -
2 SC19 iFLYTEK iFLYTEK Yanrong YRCloudFile 10 200 63.98 11.41 358.87 -
3 ISC19 Yanrong YRCloudFile Yanrong YRCloudFile 10 160 19.14 4.22 86.86 -
4 SC23 XF_Lab XF_computer XF_Stor XF_Stor 1 20 54.83 4.16 723.05
5 ISC22 Wu Dong Laboratory Wu Dong Compute Cluster Wu Dong Laboratory OPENFS 10 640 218.81 43.86 1,091.49 -
6 SC19 WekaIO WekaIO on AWS WekaIO WekaIO Matrix 345 8,625 938.95 174.74 5,045.33 -
7 ISC22 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Cloud with WEKA on RDMA WekaIO WEKA 373 7,460 625.95 233.17 1,680.38 -
8 ISC22 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Cloud running WEKA on non RDMA netwok WekaIO WEKA 151 6,040 323.52 97.61 1,072.32 -
9 SC23 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center IRIS WekaIO WekaIO 36 4,248 308.94 104.79 910.80
10 SC19 WekaIO WekaIO WekaIO WekaIO Matrix 10 2,610 156.51 56.22 435.76 -
11 SC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 48 1,248 134.09 48.03 374.40 -
12 SC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 40 1,040 123.47 43.63 349.44 -
13 SC18 WekaIO WekaIO WekaIO 17 935 78.37 37.39 164.26 -
14 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Weka WekaIO 10 3,200 66.43 27.74 159.12 -
15 SC18 WekaIO WekaIO WekaIO Matrix 10 700 58.25 27.05 125.43 -
16 SC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 320 57.99 20.80 161.71 -
17 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO wekaio 18 1,368 48.75 26.22 90.62 -
18 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 1,440 36.55 18.58 71.90 -
19 SC19 Genomics England GELous WekaIO 10 1,400 34.38 15.17 77.89 -
20 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 600 31.39 12.34 79.83 -
21 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 600 30.83 13.35 71.22 -
22 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI sharedscratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 480 25.86 7.75 86.29 -
23 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI sharedscratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 480 25.46 7.65 84.69 -
24 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 400 24.70 16.32 37.37 -
25 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 600 24.19 11.85 49.39 -
26 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 600 21.32 11.27 40.32 -
27 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI sharedscratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 480 18.07 7.75 42.12 -
28 ISC21 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus Janelia Weka.io Weka.io 10 300 62.68 18.17 216.22 -
29 SC23 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus Janelia Compute Cluster Vast Data Vast 32 2,048 26.83 11.45 62.84
30 SC21 HHMIJRC Janelia Compute Cluster Vast Data Vast 80 2,880 21.72 14.11 33.42 -
31 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 96 3,072 17.18 8.15 36.22 -
32 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 88 2,816 12.50 8.31 18.79 -
33 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 480 11.96 5.64 25.37 -
34 SC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 260 10.64 7.44 15.22 -
35 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 620 9.87 6.36 15.32 -
36 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 480 8.45 6.16 11.60 -
37 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 820 8.01 6.31 10.17 -
38 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 480 7.77 5.39 11.18 -
39 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 620 7.27 5.96 8.86 -
40 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI VastTest Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 620 6.20 3.51 10.95 -
41 ISC20 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI VastTest Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 620 5.68 3.67 8.80 -
42 ISC21 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus Vast nrsv 10 300 15.50 7.54 31.84 -
43 SC22 Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperStore Tsinghua Storage Research Group SuperFS 10 1,200 5,517.73 179.60 169,515.95 -
44 ISC18 JSC JURON ThinkparQ BeeGFS 8 64 35.77 14.24 89.81 -
45 ISC18 Fraunhofer Seislab ThinkparQ BeeGFS 24 24 16.96 5.13 56.14 -
46 ISC21 Supermicro Supermicro DAOS 10 1,120 415.04 112.17 1,535.63 -
47 SC22 Sugon Cloud Storage Laboratory ParaStor Sugon ParaStor 10 2,560 8,726.42 718.11 106,042.93 -
48 SC22 SuPro Storteck StarStor SuPro Storteck StarStor 10 2,560 6,751.75 515.15 88,491.65 -
49 ISC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre 100 1,000 32.15 22.77 45.39 -
50 ISC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre 100 1,200 29.33 20.35 42.29 -
51 ISC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre1 100 1,200 15.47 12.68 18.88 -
52 SC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre2 10 80 5.32 1.05 27.06 -
53 ISC20 SUSE HammerHead SUSE/Ampere/Arm CephFS 10 220 15.61 7.34 33.22 -
54 ISC20 SUSE HammerHead SUSE/Ampere/Arm CephFS 10 220 15.38 7.04 33.57 -
55 ISC20 SUSE HammerHead SUSE/Ampere/Arm CephFS 10 200 15.07 7.05 32.21 -
56 ISC20 SUSE HammerHead SUSE/Ampere/Arm CephFS 10 200 14.55 6.95 30.46 -
57 SC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage - CephFS 15 120 14.91 5.74 38.72 -
58 SC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage - CephFS 10 80 12.43 4.64 33.34 -
59 ISC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo CephFS 14 98 8.38 3.58 19.60 -
60 ISC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage 10 70 7.32 2.48 21.60 -
61 ISC23 DSAL HPStore SITONHOLY HPFS 10 420 392.15 38.95 3,948.47
62 ISC20 Officinalis Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 8 256 66.88 28.58 156.48 -
63 ISC20 Officinalis Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 8 256 59.42 28.44 124.13 -
64 ISC20 Officinalis Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 8 256 56.28 27.67 114.50 -
65 ISC20 Officinalis Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 8 256 53.44 28.10 101.63 -
66 ISC20 Officinalis (1 Client) Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 1 112 27.43 8.81 85.48 -
67 ISC20 Officinalis (1 Client) Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 1 112 21.24 7.87 57.32 -
68 ISC20 Red Hat EC2-10xi3en.metal Red Hat CephFS 10 320 57.17 26.29 124.30 -
69 ISC20 Red Hat EC2-10xi3en.metal Red Hat CephFS 10 320 55.13 25.67 118.42 -
70 SC20 Joint Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences MVS10POP2 RSC Group Lustre 54 864 125.50 45.31 347.61 -
71 ISC20 JINR Govorun RSC Group Lustre 50 800 90.87 35.61 231.88 -
72 ISC20 JINR Govorun RSC Group Lustre 50 800 88.51 36.28 215.97 -
73 ISC20 SPbPU Polytechnic RSC Tornado RSC Group Lustre 59 944 64.29 21.56 191.73 -
74 ISC20 SPbPU Polytechnic RSC Tornado RSC Group Lustre 59 944 64.11 21.00 195.66 -
75 ISC21 Joint Institute of Nuclear Research Govorun RSC DAOS 10 160 132.07 20.19 863.69 -
76 ISC18 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Govorun RSC Lustre 24 192 12.08 3.34 43.65 -
77 SC20 The Science and Technology Facilities Council JASMIN 4 Quobyte Inc. Quobyte 48 336 17.55 19.76 15.60 -
78 SC20 The Science and Technology Facilities Council JASMIN 4 Quobyte Inc. Quobyte 10 240 11.34 12.34 10.43 -
79 SC23 Eikon Therapeutics spt-compute1 Qumulo Qumulo Core 20 40 7.58 2.82 20.38 -
80 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI nrs Qumulo Scale out NFS 10 320 5.95 2.59 13.69 -
81 SC23 Eikon Therapeutics spt-compute1 Qumulo Qumulo Core 10 20 5.35 2.24 12.77 -
82 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI qflash Qumulo Scale out NFS 96 960 5.32 2.80 10.11 -
83 SC21 QCT DevCloud QCT DevCloud QCT DAOS 10 560 427.27 102.85 1,774.97 -
84 SC22 Mohamed bin Zayed University CIAI Q-Leap Networks GmbH / HPCME Lustre 16 256 62.40 22.22 175.23 -
85 SC19 Penguin Computing Benchmarking and Innovation Lab Penguin-ASG-NVBeeOne Penguin Computing/Excelero BeeGFS 10 320 39.65 17.71 88.76 -
86 SC21 Raytheon MCK-HPC Penguin Computing WekaFS 44 1,584 86.24 27.64 269.10 -
87 SC21 Raytheon MCK-HPC Penguin Computing WekaFS 10 360 62.55 25.96 150.70 -
88 SC20 Raytheon WekaIO Penguin Computing wekafs 42 1,596 50.58 16.39 156.10 -
89 SC20 Raytheon WekaIO Penguin Computing wekafs 10 440 32.20 14.83 69.88 -
90 ISC23 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng Laboratory and Tsinghua University SuperFS 300 36,000 210,254.98 4,847.48 9,119,612.35
91 ISC23 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng Laboratory and Tsinghua University SuperFS 10 1,200 11,516.36 263.97 502,435.85
92 SC20 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng Laboratory MadFS 255 18,360 7,043.99 1,475.75 33,622.19 -
93 SC20 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng Laboratory MadFS 256 18,432 6,831.55 1,524.11 30,621.10 -
94 SC20 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng Laboratory MadFS 10 1,440 1,129.75 168.43 7,578.06 -
95 ISC21 Pengcheng Laboratory Pengcheng Cloudbrain-II on Atlas 900 Pengcheng MadFS 512 36,864 36,850.40 3,421.62 396,872.82 -
96 ISC23 Panasas PanEast ActiveStor Flash Panasas Panfs 10 80 10.57 4.49 24.90
97 ISC23 Panasas PanEast ActiveStor UltraXL Panasas Panfs 10 80 6.25 1.86 21.01
98 ISC22 National Supercomputing Center in Jinan Shanhe PDSL flashfs 10 2,560 3,534.42 207.79 60,119.50 -
99 SC21 Huawei Cloud PDSL Flashfs 15 1,560 2,016.70 109.82 37,034.00 -
100 SC19 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with Block Volume Service running Spectrum Scale Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Block Volumes Service Spectrum Scale 30 480 47.55 20.38 110.93 -