Your Customized List

You can build your customized list by selecting any of the available fields.
Once you satisfied with your list, scroll down to save it and share with the community. Explore!

Remove duplicate records based on tuple (information_system, information_institution, information_filesystem_type).

You can use any columns with numeric values for the custom equation. It has support for +, -, *, / and power (^) operators plus ().

You can also use the following functions for columns with numeric values: abs, ceil, floor, ln (log), lg log10, max, min, round, and sqrt.

You can also use logical operators (==, !=, <, >, >=, <=, &&, ||) to filter entries for the list. You need to multiply the result of the filter with the the custom equation. Here is an example:

SC19 10-node bandwidth list: (io500_bw) * (information_list_name == 'SC19' && information_client_nodes == 10)

More examples can be found at the end of the page!

# Information IO500
list name institution system storage vendor filesystem type client nodes client total procs score bw md
1 SC23 Argonne National Laboratory Aurora Intel DAOS 10 2080 2,885.57 734.50 11,336.27
2 ISC23 LRZ SuperMUC-NG-Phase2-EC-10 Lenovo DAOS 10 1120 1,008.81 218.38 4,660.23
3 ISC24 Zuse Institute Berlin Lise Megware DAOS 10 960 324.54 65.01 1,620.13
4 SC24 Danish Centre for AI innovation AS GEFION DDN EXAScaler 10 1280 314.03 154.70 637.43
5 SC24 SoftBank Corp CHIE-2 DDN EXAScaler 10 1120 299.32 159.93 560.19
6 SC24 University of Florida HiPerGator AI DDN EXAScaler 10 640 243.61 124.89 475.20
7 ISC24 NHN Cloud Corporation NHN CLOUD GWANGJU AI DDN EXAScaler 10 640 176.57 62.58 498.22
8 ISC24 University of Virginia Afton Dell WEKA 10 850 105.94 33.28 337.29
9 SC23 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Earth Simulator 4 DDN EXAScaler 10 320 101.88 48.19 215.38
10 SC24 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Proxima xFiusion Lustre 10 300 77.76 17.94 337.05
11 SC23 Center for Research Informatics at University of Chicago Randi IBM Spectrum Scale 10 160 60.88 31.05 119.36
12 ISC24 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Altair Huawei/xFiusion Lustre 10 200 54.03 11.39 256.36
13 SC24 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus Janelia Compute cluster Vast Data Vast 10 640 31.08 11.61 83.22
14 SC24 Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing Lem Huawei/xFusion Lustre 10 200 28.02 10.76 72.99
15 SC23 Mississippi State University High Performance Computing Collaboratory Orion DDN Lustre 10 400 20.83 5.01 86.67
16 SC23 Mississippi State University High Performance Computing Collaboratory Orion DDN Lustre 10 400 17.57 6.43 48.03
17 SC24 RTX Pratt Whitney Wilson VDURA PanFS 10 160 6.70 2.17 20.70
18 SC23 Eikon Therapeutics spt-compute1 Qumulo Qumulo Core 10 20 5.35 2.24 12.77

Additional examples on how to create custom lists:

Bandwidth per server list: (information_ds_nodes + information_md_nodes != 0) * (io500_bw / (information_ds_nodes + ((information_ds_nodes == 0) * information_md_nodes) + 0.0001))

Metadata per server list: (information_ds_nodes + information_md_nodes != 0) * (io500_md / (information_md_nodes + ((information_md_nodes == 0) * information_ds_nodes) + 0.0001))