10 Node Research SC19 List

This is the official list from Supercomputing 2019 for the 10 Node Challenge. The list shows the best result for a given combination of system/institution/filesystem qualifying for the 10 Node Challenge.

# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
1 SC19 Intel Wolf Intel DAOS 10 310 516.41 123.89 2,152.46 -
2 SC19 National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore Aspire 1 DDN IME 10 160 43.04 101.75 18.21 -
3 SC19 NVIDIA DGX-2H SuperPOD DDN Lustre 10 400 249.50 86.97 715.76 -
4 SC19 WekaIO WekaIO WekaIO WekaIO Matrix 10 2,610 156.51 56.22 435.76 -
5 SC19 State Key Laboratory of High-end Server & Storage Technology (HSS) TStor3000 INSPUR BeeGFS 10 300 82.57 41.14 165.71 -
6 SC19 National Supercomputing Center in Changsha Tianhe-2E National University of Defense Technology Lustre 10 160 52.58 35.06 78.86 -
7 SC19 CSIRO bracewell Dell/ThinkParQ beegfs 10 160 66.80 33.77 132.15 -
8 SC19 University of Cambridge Data Accelerator Dell EMC Lustre 10 320 60.25 21.73 167.09 -
9 SC19 EPCC NextGENIO NextGenIO (BSC & JGU) GekkoFS 10 240 125.08 21.47 728.68 -
10 SC19 DDN AI400 DDN Lustre 10 240 63.88 19.65 207.63 -
11 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI SharedScratch WekaIO Parallel Filesystem 10 1,440 36.55 18.58 71.90 -
12 SC19 Penguin Computing Benchmarking and Innovation Lab Penguin-ASG-NVBeeOne Penguin Computing/Excelero BeeGFS 10 320 39.65 17.71 88.76 -
13 SC19 iFLYTEK iFLYTEK Yanrong YRCloudFile 10 200 78.54 13.55 455.18 -
14 SC19 Clemson University Palmetto Burstbuffer AdvancedHPC BeeGFS 10 120 21.55 12.97 35.80 -
15 SC19 Nanyang Technological University Hadley DDN GPFS 10 640 12.89 7.47 22.24 -
16 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI Vast Vast Data Scale-out NAS 10 820 8.01 6.31 10.17 -
17 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Fir Dell, QCT, HGST Lustre 10 240 18.25 5.23 63.74 -
18 SC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage - CephFS 10 80 12.43 4.64 33.34 -
19 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI nrs Qumulo Scale-out NAS 10 760 4.19 2.88 6.11 -
20 SC19 University of Birmingham BEAR-AI DDN Spectrum Scale 10 80 15.39 2.74 86.48 -
21 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI dm11 #N/A Scale-out NAS 10 760 6.42 2.61 15.82 -
22 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI nearline4 Qumulo Scale-out NAS 10 760 3.67 2.45 5.49 -
23 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Oak Dell, QCT, HGST Lustre 10 240 9.31 1.89 45.87 -
24 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Regal Dell Lustre 10 160 7.05 1.64 30.28 -
25 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 10 100 6.63 1.39 31.62 -