Historical SC22 List

This is the SC22 historian IO500 list
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
301 SC18 Queen Mary, University Of London Apocrita DDN GPFS 10 240 3.44 0.87 13.56 -
302 ISC19 JIHT RAS Fisher BeeGFS 10 320 3.19 0.51 20.03 -
303 SC21 IBMDL Sandbox IBM SpectrumScale 10 0 3.17 0.61 16.57 -
304 ISC20 LNCC SDumont Cay/HPE Lustre 10 240 3.06 2.32 4.02 -
305 ISC18 STFC Jasmin/Lotus Purestorage NFS 64 128 2.33 0.26 20.93 -
306 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 32 32 2.31 1.93 2.77 -
307 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 48 48 2.15 1.80 2.57 -
308 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 2.06 1.39 3.04 -
309 ISC18 STFC Jasmin/Lotus Purestorage NFS 16 64 1.98 0.21 18.77 -
310 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 1.52 0.74 3.11 -
311 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 16 16 1.47 1.21 1.79 -
312 SC18 Sandia National Laboratories Ghost IBM GPFS 10 100 0.31 0.05 1.85 -