Historical SC22 List

This is the SC22 historian IO500 list
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
301 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 16 16 9.07 2.84 28.95 -
302 SC20 University of Reading ThunderX2 Local file system 1 16 6.23 0.37 104.54 -
303 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 16 16 5.08 2.24 11.49 -
304 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 16 4.88 1.31 18.17 -
305 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 16 16 1.47 1.21 1.79 -
306 ISC18 IBM Sonasad IBM Spectrum Scale 10 10 24.24 4.57 128.61 -
307 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 10 10 7.14 2.32 22.05 -
308 ISC19 DDN 400NV DDN GRIDScaler 1 8 18.28 3.50 95.58 -
309 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 2.06 1.39 3.04 -
310 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 1.52 0.74 3.11 -
311 ISC22 DDN AI400X2-II DDN EXAScaler 10 0 183.34 48.27 696.43 -
312 SC21 IBMDL Sandbox IBM SpectrumScale 10 0 3.17 0.61 16.57 -