Historical SC23 List

Ranking of all submissions ever received
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
1 ISC22 DDN AI400X2-II DDN EXAScaler 10 0 183.34 48.27 696.43 -
2 ISC19 DDN 400NV DDN GRIDScaler 1 8 18.28 3.50 95.58 -
3 ISC18 IBM Sonasad IBM Spectrum Scale 10 10 24.24 4.57 128.61 -
4 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 10 10 7.14 2.32 22.05 -
5 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 16 16 16.22 7.33 35.88 -
6 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 16 16 9.07 2.84 28.95 -
7 SC20 University of Reading ThunderX2 Local file system 1 16 6.23 0.37 104.54 -
8 SC23 XF_Lab XF_computer XF_Stor XF_Stor 1 20 54.83 4.16 723.05
9 SC20 University of Tsukuba Cygnus OSS Gfarm 10 20 16.12 8.10 32.09 -
10 ISC19 University of Birmingham BEAR-AI DDN Spectrum Scale 10 20 12.54 2.97 52.85 -
11 SC23 Eikon Therapeutics spt-compute1 Qumulo Qumulo Core 10 20 5.35 2.24 12.77 -
12 ISC18 Fraunhofer Seislab ThinkparQ BeeGFS 24 24 16.96 5.13 56.14 -
13 ISC19 DDN 400NV DDN GRIDScaler 10 30 59.49 13.55 261.21 -
14 SC23 LCPQ Ampere Home made BeeGFS 10 30 6.65 1.22 36.16
15 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 32 32 22.02 8.55 56.68 -
16 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 16 32 13.12 3.17 54.21 -
17 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 32 9.42 2.94 30.19 -
18 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 32 6.67 2.95 15.10 -
19 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 32 6.07 1.34 27.56 -
20 SC23 Eikon Therapeutics spt-compute1 Qumulo Qumulo Core 20 40 7.58 2.82 20.38 -
21 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 10 40 7.36 1.90 28.59 -
22 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 48 48 7.64 2.93 19.88 -
23 ISC19 PGS Lustre on GCP Google Lustre 10 50 5.70 1.91 17.05 -
24 ISC18 JSC JURON ThinkparQ BeeGFS 8 64 35.77 14.24 89.81 -
25 ISC19 CSIRO bracewell Dell/ThinkParQ BeeGFS 16 64 26.44 7.11 98.26 -
26 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 16 64 12.51 2.10 74.72 -
27 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 64 8.63 2.10 35.37 -
28 SC18 CERN Bytecollider CephFS 64 64 7.56 2.83 20.16 -
29 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 64 6.16 1.25 30.28 -
30 SC18 CERN Bytecollider CephFS 64 64 6.01 2.85 12.64 -
31 ISC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage 10 70 7.32 2.48 21.60 -
32 SC19 University of Birmingham BEAR-AI DDN Spectrum Scale 10 80 15.39 2.74 86.48 -
33 SC18 KAUST Shaheen II Cray DataWarp 10 80 13.99 14.45 13.53 -
34 SC18 Google and DDN Lustre on GCP Google Lustre 10 80 12.82 4.30 38.23 -
35 SC21 GWDG SCC BeeGFS 10 80 12.55 2.63 59.85 -
36 SC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage - CephFS 10 80 12.43 4.64 33.34 -
37 SC20 EPCC Archer 2 (test system) Cray Lustre 10 80 10.68 2.63 43.43 -
38 ISC23 Panasas PanEast ActiveStor Flash Panasas Panfs 10 80 10.57 4.49 24.90
39 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 10 80 10.17 2.32 44.67 -
40 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 4 80 8.41 1.77 39.98 -
41 ISC23 Panasas PanEast ActiveStor UltraXL Panasas Panfs 10 80 6.25 1.86 21.01
42 SC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre2 10 80 5.32 1.05 27.06 -
43 SC19 CNES HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 96 96 37.16 9.71 142.20 -
44 SC19 CNES HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 96 96 34.76 8.51 141.99 -
45 SC22 Telecommunications Technology Association Supermicro A+ Big Twin GLUESYS Lustre 4 96 27.43 8.59 87.53 -
46 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications NCSA Industry System DDN/Dell Spectrum Scale 8 96 12.37 3.03 50.54 -
47 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications NCSA Industry System DDN/Dell Spectrum Scale 8 96 11.28 3.04 41.78 -
48 ISC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo CephFS 14 98 8.38 3.58 19.60 -
49 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 10 100 11.31 3.62 35.37 -
50 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 10 100 11.13 3.63 34.15 -
51 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 10 100 6.63 1.39 31.62 -
52 SC20 DDN DIME DDN IME 10 110 161.53 101.60 256.78 -
53 ISC20 DDN DIME DDN IME 10 110 116.95 100.37 136.27 -
54 ISC20 Officinalis (1 Client) Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 1 112 27.43 8.81 85.48 -
55 ISC22 Telecommunications Technology Association GLUESYS anystor3.1 lustre 4 112 25.29 9.56 66.90 -
56 ISC20 Officinalis (1 Client) Red Hat, Intel, QCT CephFS 1 112 21.24 7.87 57.32 -
57 SC19 Clemson University Palmetto Burstbuffer AdvancedHPC BeeGFS 10 120 21.55 12.97 35.80 -
58 SC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage - CephFS 15 120 14.91 5.74 38.72 -
59 ISC20 German Climate Computing Center Mistral Cray Lustre1 10 120 7.92 2.93 21.36 -
60 ISC20 German Climate Computing Center Mistral Cray Lustre1 10 120 6.92 2.89 16.57 -
61 ISC22 GWDG NHR Goettingen FTP BeeGFS 8 128 18.46 9.01 37.85 -
62 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 16 128 11.01 1.90 63.81 -
63 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 128 8.58 2.05 35.83 -
64 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 128 6.26 1.25 31.42 -
65 ISC19 National Computational Infrastructure Australia Raijin NetApp Lustre 10 150 37.62 12.82 110.37 -
66 SC22 Omnibond OrangeFS-Google Omnibond-Google OrangeFS 10 150 9.92 4.27 23.08 -
67 ISC22 Omnibond OrangeFS-Google Omnibond-Google OrangeFS 10 150 9.82 4.40 21.92 -
68 SC22 DDN AI400X2-II DDN EXAScaler 10 160 217.91 51.84 915.93 -
69 SC22 DDN AI400X2-I DDN EXAScaler 10 160 133.81 32.90 544.24 -
70 ISC21 Joint Institute of Nuclear Research Govorun RSC DAOS 10 160 132.07 20.19 863.69 -
71 ISC19 DDN Colorado DDN IME140 DDN IME 10 160 109.42 75.79 157.96 -
72 ISC19 DDN AI400 DDN Lustre 10 160 104.34 19.65 553.98 -
73 ISC20 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz MOGON II JGU (ADA-FS)& BSC (NEXTGenIO) GekkoFS 10 160 96.46 11.61 801.60 -
74 ISC19 DDN IME140 DDN IME 10 160 95.10 76.89 117.62 -
75 ISC20 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz MOGON II JGU (ADA-FS)& BSC (NEXTGenIO) GekkoFS 10 160 92.91 10.96 787.71 -
76 ISC19 DDN Japan AI400 DDN Lustre 10 160 74.10 12.22 449.28 -
77 ISC20 DDN AI400X DDN Lustre 10 160 69.92 21.01 232.70 -
78 SC19 CSIRO bracewell Dell/ThinkParQ beegfs 10 160 66.80 33.77 132.15 -
79 ISC20 DDN AI400X DDN Lustre 10 160 63.83 17.79 229.01 -
80 ISC19 CSIRO bracewell Dell/ThinkParQ BeeGFS 10 160 63.46 34.85 115.56 -
81 SC23 Center for Research Informatics at University of Chicago Randi IBM Spectrum Scale 10 160 60.88 31.05 119.36
82 SC19 National Supercomputing Center in Changsha Tianhe-2E National University of Defense Technology Lustre 10 160 52.58 35.06 78.86 -
83 SC19 National Supercomputing Center in Changsha Tianhe-2E National University of Defense Technology Lustre 10 160 50.08 32.71 76.67 -
84 SC18 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summit IBM Spectrum Scale 10 160 44.30 9.84 199.48 -
85 SC19 National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore Aspire 1 DDN IME 10 160 43.04 101.75 18.21 -
86 ISC20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure BeeGFS on Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Infrastructure BeeGFS 10 160 32.79 14.02 76.67 -
87 ISC20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure BeeGFS on Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Infrastructure BeeGFS 10 160 27.56 10.38 73.20 -
88 ISC19 Yanrong YRCloudFile Yanrong YRCloudFile 10 160 19.14 4.22 86.86 -
89 ISC23 Arizona State University Sol Dell BeeGFS 10 160 16.48 4.40 61.76
90 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Regal Dell Lustre 10 160 7.05 1.64 30.28 -
91 ISC19 National Computational Infrastructure Australia Raijin NetApp Lustre 15 180 40.92 12.89 129.89 -
92 ISC18 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Govorun RSC Lustre 24 192 12.08 3.34 43.65 -
93 ISC22 China Telecom Research Institute CTPAI CTCLOUD DAOS 10 200 187.84 25.29 1,395.01 -
94 SC23 IBM Ehningen System DACH Storage Scale System 3500 IBM IBM Storage Scale 10 200 166.25 87.14 317.17
95 SC23 IBM Tucson Arches Storage Scale System 3500 IBM IBM Storage Scale 10 200 136.36 74.18 250.64
96 ISC23 IBM Tuscon Arches 2 Storage Scale 3500 BBs IBM IBM Storage Scale with ESS 10 200 128.00 73.80 222.03
97 ISC22 IBM Tuscon Arches IBM Spectrum Scale 10 200 110.07 62.59 193.59 -
98 SC19 iFLYTEK iFLYTEK Yanrong YRCloudFile 10 200 78.54 13.55 455.18 -
99 SC21 IBM Tucson Arches 2021B IBM SpectrumScale 10 200 68.83 33.02 143.46 -
100 SC19 iFLYTEK iFLYTEK Yanrong YRCloudFile 10 200 63.98 11.41 358.87 -