Please submit your IO500 results for the upcoming SC'24 list, which will be presented at our BOF. See the Call for Submissions for details.

Full ISC23 List

Subset of the Historic list of submissions that satisfy the existing IO500 submission guidelines.
# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
1 ISC22 GWDG NHR Goettingen FTP Weka 8 256 32.17 10.37 99.77 -
2 ISC22 GWDG NHR Goettingen FTP BeeGFS 8 128 18.46 9.01 37.85 -
3 SC21 BPFS Lab Kongming BPFS 10 800 972.60 96.26 9,827.09 -
4 SC21 GWDG SCC BeeGFS 10 80 12.55 2.63 59.85 -
5 SC20 University of Reading ThunderX2 Local file system 1 16 6.23 0.37 104.54 -
6 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI dm11 #N/A Scale-out NAS 10 760 6.42 2.61 15.82 -
7 SC19 Clemson University Palmetto Burstbuffer AdvancedHPC BeeGFS 10 120 21.55 12.97 35.80 -
8 ISC20 Argonne National Laboratory Presque Argonne National Laboratory DAOS 16 544 537.31 108.19 2,668.57 -
9 ISC20 Argonne National Laboratory Presque Argonne National Laboratory DAOS 16 544 483.52 102.54 2,280.05 -
10 ISC20 Argonne National Laboratory Presque Argonne National Laboratory DAOS 10 380 440.64 95.80 2,026.80 -
11 ISC20 Argonne National Laboratory Presque Argonne National Laboratory DAOS 10 380 398.25 89.36 1,774.79 -
12 SC20 EPCC NextGENIO BSC & JGU GekkoFS 10 3,800 239.37 45.79 1,251.32 -
13 SC20 EPCC NextGENIO BSC & JGU GekkoFS 10 360 184.99 27.21 1,257.57 -
14 SC22 China Telecom Research Institute CTPAI CTCLOUD DAOS 10 250 212.29 31.40 1,435.19 -
15 ISC22 China Telecom Research Institute CTPAI CTCLOUD DAOS 10 200 187.84 25.29 1,395.01 -
16 ISC20 LNCC SDumont Cay/HPE Lustre 10 240 3.06 2.32 4.02 -
17 SC22 Cloudam HPC on OCI HPC-OCI Cloudam BurstFS 64 1,920 3,033.03 278.48 33,033.54 -
18 SC22 Cloudam HPC on OCI HPC-OCI Cloudam BurstFS 10 720 1,285.21 95.90 17,224.05 -
19 SC20 EPCC Archer 2 (test system) Cray Lustre 10 80 10.68 2.63 43.43 -
20 ISC20 German Climate Computing Center Mistral Cray Lustre1 10 120 7.92 2.93 21.36 -
21 ISC20 German Climate Computing Center Mistral Cray Lustre1 10 120 6.92 2.89 16.57 -
22 ISC23 EuroHPC-CINECA Leonardo DDN EXAScaler 2,000 16,000 648.96 807.12 521.79
23 ISC21 Google Cloud Google DDN Lustre 1,000 5,000 569.99 282.78 1,148.90 -
24 ISC20 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) NURION DDN IME 2,048 2,048 282.45 515.59 154.74 -
25 ISC21 University of Florida HiPerGator DDN Lustre 140 4,480 269.59 181.37 400.73 -
26 SC20 JCAHPC Oakforest-PACS DDN IME 2,048 4,096 253.57 697.20 92.22 -
27 SC19 NVIDIA DGX-2H SuperPOD DDN Lustre 10 400 249.50 86.97 715.76 -
28 ISC23 DDN AI400X2-II DDN EXAScaler 10 1,280 240.85 51.46 1,127.22
29 SC22 DDN AI400X2-II DDN EXAScaler 10 160 217.91 51.84 915.93 -
30 SC19 CEA Tera-1000 DDN Lustre 128 4,096 210.26 81.01 545.74 -
31 ISC21 LuxProvide MeluXina DDN Lustre 512 12,288 194.12 112.06 336.25 -
32 ISC22 DDN AI400X2-II DDN EXAScaler 10 0 183.34 48.27 696.43 -
33 ISC20 JCAHPC Oakforest-PACS DDN IME 512 4,096 175.85 348.95 88.62 -
34 ISC20 JCAHPC Oakforest-PACS DDN IME 2,048 16,384 168.09 581.43 48.60 -
35 SC20 DDN DIME DDN IME 10 110 161.53 101.60 256.78 -
36 ISC20 JCAHPC Oakforest-PACS DDN IME 512 4,096 146.33 341.29 62.74 -
37 ISC23 DDN AI400X2-I DDN EXAScaler 10 320 142.03 33.43 603.39
38 ISC20 DDN AI400X DDN Lustre 40 1,280 137.03 46.84 400.84 -
39 SC22 DDN AI400X2-I DDN EXAScaler 10 160 133.81 32.90 544.24 -
40 ISC20 DDN AI400X DDN Lustre 40 1,280 127.29 40.72 397.91 -
41 ISC20 DDN DIME DDN IME 10 110 116.95 100.37 136.27 -
42 SC20 TACC Frontera DDN IME 10 280 109.91 176.23 68.55 -
43 ISC22 DDN AI400X2-I DDN EXAScaler 10 320 107.04 31.10 368.48 -
44 ISC21 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Earth Simulator DDN Lustre 10 320 101.88 48.19 215.38 -
45 ISC20 DDN AI400X DDN Lustre 10 160 69.92 21.01 232.70 -
46 SC19 DDN AI400 DDN Lustre 10 240 63.88 19.65 207.63 -
47 ISC20 DDN AI400X DDN Lustre 10 160 63.83 17.79 229.01 -
48 SC19 National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore Aspire 1 DDN IME 10 160 43.04 101.75 18.21 -
49 SC19 CNES HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 96 96 37.16 9.71 142.20 -
50 SC19 CNES HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 96 96 34.76 8.51 141.99 -
51 SC21 CMKL University Apex DDN Lustre 4 240 18.60 10.27 33.66 -
52 ISC21 Georgia Institute of Technology PACE-Phoenix DDN Lustre 10 240 17.07 4.52 64.48 -
53 SC19 University of Birmingham BEAR-AI DDN Spectrum Scale 10 80 15.39 2.74 86.48 -
54 SC19 Nanyang Technological University Hadley DDN GPFS 10 640 12.89 7.47 22.24 -
55 SC21 ULHPC Aion DDN SpectrumScale 128 256 11.35 1.80 71.57 -
56 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 10 100 11.31 3.62 35.37 -
57 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications HAL DDN Spectrum Scale 10 100 11.13 3.63 34.15 -
58 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications NCSA Industry System DDN/Dell Spectrum Scale 8 96 12.37 3.03 50.54 -
59 ISC20 National Center for Supercomputing Applications NCSA Industry System DDN/Dell Spectrum Scale 8 96 11.28 3.04 41.78 -
60 ISC22 University of Cambridge Cumulus Dell Lustre 10 1,280 316.73 119.92 836.54 -
61 ISC22 University of Cambridge Cumulus Dell Lustre 200 2,000 261.39 92.64 737.54 -
62 SC21 CQ Narval Dell Lustre 640 640 68.31 32.74 142.53 -
63 ISC23 Arizona State University Sol Dell BeeGFS 10 160 16.48 4.40 61.76
64 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Regal Dell Lustre 10 160 7.05 1.64 30.28 -
65 SC19 University of Cambridge Data Accelerator Dell EMC Lustre 128 2,048 229.45 131.25 401.13 -
66 SC19 University of Cambridge Data Accelerator Dell EMC Lustre 10 320 60.25 21.73 167.09 -
67 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Fir Dell, QCT, HGST Lustre 10 240 18.25 5.23 63.74 -
68 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Oak Dell, QCT, HGST Lustre 10 240 9.31 1.89 45.87 -
69 ISC20 CSIRO bracewell Dell/DDN Lustre 10 400 99.64 39.90 248.81 -
70 ISC20 CSIRO bracewell Dell/DDN Lustre 10 400 97.67 39.87 239.26 -
71 ISC22 University of Cambridge Cumulus Dell/Intel DAOS 200 2,000 1,107.17 283.19 4,328.68 -
72 ISC22 University of Cambridge Cumulus Dell/Intel DAOS 10 2,000 963.00 216.78 4,277.86 -
73 ISC20 Simon Fraser University Cedar Dell/Seagate Lustre 288 288 18.72 7.66 45.75 -
74 SC19 CSIRO bracewell scratch2 Dell/ThinkParQ beegfs 26 260 94.86 69.10 130.23 -
75 SC19 CSIRO bracewell Dell/ThinkParQ beegfs 10 160 66.80 33.77 132.15 -
76 SC22 Telecommunications Technology Association Supermicro A+ Big Twin GLUESYS Lustre 4 96 27.43 8.59 87.53 -
77 ISC22 Telecommunications Technology Association GLUESYS anystor3.1 lustre 4 112 25.29 9.56 66.90 -
78 SC19 Google Cloud EXA5-GCP-PD-SSD Google Cloud Lustre 200 1,600 67.78 26.93 170.61 -
79 SC19 Google Cloud EXA5-GCP-PD-STD Google Cloud Lustre 200 1,600 52.96 17.31 162.06 -
80 SC20 Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) JUWELS HPEDDN IME 10 400 29.81 178.11 4.99 -
81 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 4 80 8.41 1.77 39.98 -
82 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 10 100 6.63 1.39 31.62 -
83 ISC23 JNIST and HUST PDSL Cheeloo-1 with OceanStor Pacific Huawei OceanFS2 10 9,600 137,100.02 2,439.37 7,705,448.04
84 SC21 Huawei HPDA Lab Athena Huawei OceanFS 10 1,720 2,395.03 314.56 18,235.71 -
85 SC21 Olympus Lab OceanStor Pacific Huawei OceanFS 10 1,720 2,298.69 317.07 16,664.88 -
86 ISC21 Olympus Storage Technology Innovation Lab OceanStor Huawei OceanFS 10 960 220.10 69.49 697.15 -
87 ISC23 IBM Tuscon Arches 2 Storage Scale 3500 BBs IBM IBM Storage Scale with ESS 10 200 128.00 73.80 222.03
88 ISC22 IBM Tuscon Arches IBM Spectrum Scale 10 200 110.07 62.59 193.59 -
89 SC21 NLHPC Guacolda IBM SpectrumScale 24 480 83.18 33.87 204.27 -
90 SC21 IBM Tucson Arches 2021B IBM SpectrumScale 10 200 68.83 33.02 143.46 -
91 SC21 NLHPC Guacolda IBM SpectrumScale 10 360 45.26 17.91 114.36 -
92 SC21 IBMDL Sandbox IBM SpectrumScale 10 0 3.17 0.61 16.57 -
93 SC19 State Key Laboratory of High-end Server & Storage Technology (HSS) TStor3000 INSPUR BeeGFS 10 300 82.57 41.14 165.71 -
94 SC22 Meadowgate Technologies Meadowgate INTEL HPE DAOS 10 1,280 1,014.24 213.15 4,826.12 -
95 SC22 Meadowgate Technologies Meadowgate INTEL HPE DAOS 10 1,280 1,000.34 209.21 4,783.11 -
96 SC22 Argonne National Laboratory Aurora Storage Intel DAOS 260 27,040 20,694.50 6,048.69 70,802.51 -
97 ISC21 Intel Endeavour Intel DAOS 10 1,440 1,859.56 398.77 8,671.65 -
98 ISC20 Intel Wolf Intel DAOS 52 1,664 1,792.98 371.67 8,649.57 -
99 ISC20 Intel Wolf Intel DAOS 52 1,664 1,614.02 368.44 7,070.51 -
100 SC19 Intel Wolf Intel DAOS 26 728 933.64 183.36 4,753.79 -