Historical SC19 List

This is the historic data list released at Supercomputing 2019. Since the IO500 benchmark has been improved to reduce the opportunity of caching, some results of the former lists cannot be directly compared to the new results. The list shows all submissions up to now.

# Information IO500
BoF Institution System Storage Vendor File System Type Client Nodes Total Client Proc. Score BW MD Repro.
(GiB/s) (kIOP/s)
101 ISC19 University of Birmingham BEAR-AI DDN Spectrum Scale 10 20 12.54 2.97 52.85 -
102 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 32 6.67 2.95 15.10 -
103 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 32 9.42 2.94 30.19 -
104 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 48 48 7.64 2.93 19.88 -
105 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI nrs Qumulo Scale-out NAS 10 760 4.19 2.88 6.11 -
106 SC18 CERN Bytecollider CephFS 64 64 6.01 2.85 12.64 -
107 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 16 16 9.07 2.84 28.95 -
108 SC18 CERN Bytecollider CephFS 64 64 7.56 2.83 20.16 -
109 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI qflash Qumulo Scale out NFS 96 960 5.32 2.80 10.11 -
110 SC19 University of Birmingham BEAR-AI DDN Spectrum Scale 10 80 15.39 2.74 86.48 -
111 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI dm11 #N/A Scale-out NAS 10 760 6.42 2.61 15.82 -
112 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI nrs Qumulo Scale out NFS 10 320 5.95 2.59 13.69 -
113 ISC19 SUSE TigerShark SUSE, Intel, Lenovo SUSE Enterprise Storage 10 70 7.32 2.48 21.60 -
114 SC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI nearline4 Qumulo Scale-out NAS 10 760 3.67 2.45 5.49 -
115 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI dm11 Scale-out NAS 10 320 9.22 2.38 35.64 -
116 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 10 80 10.17 2.32 44.67 -
117 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 10 10 7.14 2.32 22.05 -
118 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 16 16 5.08 2.24 11.49 -
119 ISC19 Janelia Research Campus, HHMI qflash Qumulo Scale out NFS 10 120 4.46 2.12 9.35 -
120 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 16 64 12.51 2.10 74.72 -
121 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 64 8.63 2.10 35.37 -
122 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 128 8.58 2.05 35.83 -
123 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 32 32 2.31 1.93 2.77 -
124 ISC19 PGS Lustre on GCP Google Lustre 10 50 5.70 1.91 17.05 -
125 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell BeeGFS 16 128 11.01 1.90 63.81 -
126 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 10 40 7.36 1.90 28.59 -
127 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Oak Dell, QCT, HGST Lustre 10 240 9.31 1.89 45.87 -
128 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 48 48 2.15 1.80 2.57 -
129 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 4 80 8.41 1.77 39.98 -
130 SC19 Stanford Sherlock/Regal Dell Lustre 10 160 7.05 1.64 30.28 -
131 SC19 IST Austria IST Austria HPC Homemade@IST BeeGFS 10 100 6.63 1.39 31.62 -
132 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 2.06 1.39 3.04 -
133 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 32 6.07 1.34 27.56 -
134 SC18 Clemson University ofsdev Dell Lustre 16 16 4.88 1.31 18.17 -
135 ISC19 Queen Mary. University Of London Apocrita DDN Spectrum Scale 10 240 4.36 1.26 15.09 -
136 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 128 6.26 1.25 31.42 -
137 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 64 6.16 1.25 30.28 -
138 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell OrangeFS 16 16 1.47 1.21 1.79 -
139 SC18 Clemson University Palmetto Dell BeeGFS 32 256 5.79 1.05 31.92 -
140 SC18 DKRZ Mistral Seagate Lustre2 10 80 5.32 1.05 27.06 -
141 SC18 Queen Mary, University Of London Apocrita DDN GPFS 10 240 3.44 0.87 13.56 -
142 SC18 EPCC Archer Seagate Lustre 10 80 3.70 0.77 17.84 -
143 SC18 Nemours nas6 DDN GPFS 1 2 1.52 0.74 3.11 -
144 ISC18 SNL Serrano IBM Spectrum Scale 16 160 4.25 0.65 27.98 -
145 ISC19 JIHT RAS Desmos BeeGFS 10 60 3.55 0.51 24.88 -
146 ISC19 JIHT RAS Fisher BeeGFS 10 320 3.19 0.51 20.03 -
147 ISC18 STFC Jasmin/Lotus Purestorage NFS 64 128 2.33 0.26 20.93 -
148 ISC18 STFC Jasmin/Lotus Purestorage NFS 16 64 1.98 0.21 18.77 -
149 SC18 Sandia National Laboratories Ghost IBM GPFS 10 100 0.31 0.05 1.85 -